Only with the right antivirus programs installed, you can successfully protect your data and your identity. Unfortunately, in most situations the built-in Windows Defender program might not be enough as a more specialized software platform will be better for you. Anyway, while in most situations the antivirus program is there to protect your Windows 10 device, in others its functionality might become quite annoying. Think of the following scenario: you want to use an external USB device, so as usual, you plug it in; but, strangely the USB device isn’t recognized by your Windows 10 system, or if it is you cannot access it. Well, if that happens, the problem might be caused by your antivirus, which is blocking the external USB device. So, if the antivirus is indeed blocking the USB device, follow the guidelines explained below and learn how to re-enable the USB access within the antivirus built-in settings. I’ve tried to cover the steps that should be followed for the most popular antivirus programs that are currently available, though similar procedures can be applied on almost any other security software that’s not included in the following list.

How do I stop my antivirus from blocking USB devices?

1. Stop ESET Internet Security from blocking USB devices

2. Fix Avast blocking USB connection

⇒ Get Avast Free Antivirus

3. Avira blocked autorun on USB hard drive

⇒ Get Avira Antivirus

4. Bypass blocked USB by Bitdefender 

You can also add exclusions for a certain USB device if you know that the data stored there can be trust. Here is what you need to do: In other words, Bitdefender comes with great features that can be used for choosing how the USB devices are controlled by the antivirus each time a new USB connection is detected. ⇒ Get Bitdefender SPONSORED

5. Kaspersky Anti-Virus blocking USB connection

Additionally, you can add certain exceptions following these settings. Open Settings, click on Additional, then on  Threats and exclusions, choose to Configure exclusion rules, and Add. ⇒ Get Kaspersky Anti-Virus

6. Removable Media Scan feature in Norton Security

With Norton, if the Removable Media Scan feature is enabled, the antivirus program will automatically scan any external device that’s connected with your computer. So, if you think that Norton is blocking the USB, you should first disable the already mentioned feature. You can do that from Settings, then Antivirus option. ⇒ Get Norton Security

7. Windows Defender blocked my USB connection

So that’s how you can re-enable USB access when external USB devices are blocked by antivirus programs. Remember that the easiest way in which you can access your external device is by temporarily turning off the antivirus protection. Then, you will be able to use your USB device. Though, you should do that only if you know for sure that all the files from that device don’t represent a security threat. As already outlined, if you’re using different antivirus software from the already covered ones, don’t panic as you can use similar steps for obtaining the same result. However, if you cannot find the right settings within your antivirus tool, tell us and we will try to assist you as soon as possible.

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