However, as many players already pointed out, even though the game looks awesome, there still are a lot of problems that sort of ruin the game experience for many. Yes, we’re talking about bugs that range from connection problems, peculiar AI behavior, performance issues, fast travel limitations, and many more. All is not lost, though, as developers are ready to implement some hotfixes that are designed to improve the quality of gameplay, and also exterminate these nasty bugs.

What fixes can we expect for the Xbox version?

Although the game has been optimized for all platforms that it comes as available on, the biggest resolution and level of detail is, by far, obtained on the Series X. Even so, players still have to deal with problems that ruin their gameplay in key moments and make it unplayable sometimes. But don’t worry, as developers have already come up with fixes for many of the current problems, and are also working on solutions for future updates, on some of the issues that remain. For the Xbox version of Dying Light 2, we’re talking about serious bugs that include game crashing, immortal AI, Co-op dialog not showing, and the dreaded black screen errors. As you can see from the screenshot above, there’s quite a hefty list of improvements that are going to be added to the Dying Light sequel, most likely during this week, So, if you are an Xbox player and you have been struggling with one or multiple issues mentioned on the list, there’s good news over the horizon.

What about the PlayStation version of Dying Light 2?

Don’t worry, developers haven’t forgotten that the same is also available for PlayStation fans, and there’s also a pretty big list of fixes coming your way. We can’t know for sure if the fixes for PS will coincide with the Xbox one, in terms of release date, but they’re probably going to be released roughly at the same time. The biggest problem reported by PlayStation gamers is the screen flickering, which supposedly drives them crazy as they are trying to enjoy the game. Here too we have connection problems, Co-op stealth bugs, and fast travel limitations, among the others on the list. So, if you had problems with one of the bugs on the list above, get ready to forget all about them once the fixes are launched. There are also bugs that developers haven’t quite managed to get rid of just yet, and you’ll see them included in the We are working on section of the patch notes. This should come as good news for all the Dying Light fans that have waited anxiously for the sequel and would like to enjoy it without constantly having to worry about crashes, errors, and unexpected AI behavior. What is the biggest bug you’ve dealt with so far in Dying Light 2? Share your experience with us in the comments section below.

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